Posts Tagged ‘cover letter’

Slash Weeks Off Your Job Search By Taking a Few Simple Steps

June 10, 2015

ClocksOne of the questions I get asked most often is “How long do you think my job search will take?” And, the answer I always give is “It depends.”

It depends on if your resume and cover letter clearly show your value. Do they let the reader know your specific uniqueness and how you’ve made contributions in your past positions? The reason you get hired is for the value you bring to the company. If an employer can’t see the value you have to offer through your resume, they will never call you for an interview – no matter how great a skill set you have. If your resume doesn’t show your value, it’s a total waste of time to even send it out.

It depends on how much time you have to devote to your job search. If you are working full time, or even part time, you obviously won’t have as much time to devote to a job search as someone who is not working at all. Whether you are working or not, it’s necessary to schedule specific time into your daily/weekly routine to allow for your job search. And, it’s imperative to stick to your schedule – be consistent and diligent. Keep in mind, the more time you devote to your job search, the quicker you will find a new job.

It depends on the avenues you utilize to conduct your job search. Are you following a step-by-step proven system that works, or, are you tackling it willy-nilly, hoping for the best and wondering if what you are doing is going to work or not? Are you spending all of your time on job boards – which really deliver almost no results – or, are you spending most of your time researching companies where you’d like to work, and then finding someone who works for that company and getting to know them through social networking? Are you also networking in person? Networking and the Hidden Job Market are the most productive ways to find a new job.

It depends on whether you have a good plan of action for your job search, and whether you work your plan on a consistent basis. A good plan of action consists of knowing what works and what doesn’t, and using multi-channels during your search.

It depends on whether you have the right tools to conduct an effective job search: a great resume, cover letter, elevator speech, business card, a URL on LinkedIn, a great plan, and a solid support team, to name but some of what you need for success.

Each of the above points contribute to shortening your job search. It all boils down to knowing what actions to take and then taking those actions.

By having a clear strategy, and working that strategy consistently, you will take weeks off your job search, and you have a much greater chance of landing the perfect job for you.

PS: All of this information is covered, in great detail, in my Hidden Job Market program – gives you a step-by-step process for getting rehired quickly. For more information, email me at, or call me at 248/478-5662.

Also, ***I want to make sure you have every opportunity to get calls for the jobs you want – in order to do this, you need to start with a stellar resume – so I am offering you a complementary resume critique – I know what it takes for a resume to get results! Just email your resume to me at and put “Resume Critique” in the subject line. I will then critique your resume. I look forward to hearing from you.***